Apr 18, 2022
Employers have been facing a troubling skills gap for years and the problem has grown as the pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital technology across industries. A recent Salesforce survey found that 76% of global workers don’t feel ready to operate in a digital-first world. In addition, there’s a demand for social and emotional skills, such as leadership and empathy. And if you’ve listened to our last two podcasts, empathy comes to the forefront of the most important skill a successful leader must-have. Right now, every job is being flooded with new tools, new systems, and new applications. People who knew how to do a given job two years ago, if they’re not continuously refreshing their skills they’re definitely falling behind.
Enter the Skills Audit, the process of gathering a list of all your current skills and looking for shortfalls.
So let’s get started. It’s time to future-proof your skills.
And if you want to take a deep dive into better assessing your skills capabilities and chart a course for filling the gaps, we’ve written a book called Self-Assessment Audit, that captures not only a review of your skills but an overview viewpoint of who you are….your story, your brand. Go to our website, https://www.sweetbutfearless.com/e-learning, where you can purchase it at the special price of $4.95 in honor of Financial Literacy Month. Our goal in writing the book was to help you accelerate your career.