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Sweet but Fearless Podcast

Jan 1, 2024

As the year comes to an end, Mary Sullivan and Cooper Alexander, co-founders of Sweet but Fearless, talk about looking back over the past 12 months and reflecting on your career and aspirations. Reflecting on goals achieved or on goals still outstanding, a new year always feels like the right time to recalibrate where you are and how you’re feeling about the direction you’re going.

Mary and Cooper focus on five questions to ask yourself. From what goals did you achieve to are you happy in your job. Find a quiet place and spend some time reflecting on your past year and writing down answers to the questions asked. It may surprise you!

And as much as a new year is wonderful to spend time to reflect, it's essential to recognize that this reflective practice need not be confined to an annual event. Regularly evaluating your achievements and perhaps areas where you fell short during the year empowers you to adjust and steer yourself back on track.


Mentioned in the Podcast
5 Work Reflection Questions to Help Increase Productivity,” by Venus Gentile, Monster Contributor